I play on iOS :
  1. Go to App Store to update the game.
  2. Uninstall Tennis Manager, reboot your device and reinstall it from the App Store. If you can and if it is not already the case, link your Tennis Manager account to your Facebook account before uninstalling so that you don’t lose your progress.
  3. Check your internet connexion (WIFI better) and avoid using the multitasking (several applications running in background)
I play on Android :
  1. Clear the app’s cache memory via the Application Manager, then restart Tennis Manager.
  2. Go to the Google Play Store to update the game.
  3. Uninstall Tennis Manager, reboot your device and reinstall it from Google Play Store. Please note that by reinstalling the app, you won’t lose your profile if you play on Android.
  4. Check your internet connexion (WIFI better) and avoid using the multitasking (several applications running in background)
If none of the above resolves the issue, please contact us and provide a brief description of the issue:
  1. What is the exact action that causes the app to crash/force close
  2. What error message do you receive (if there is one)
  3. Add a screenshot if possible