Player's characteristics represent his skills and are the most important factor in determining his performance on the court.
They are split into 6 categories on the Player's profile screen: Offense, Move, Serve, Rally, Resistance, Mental.
Characteristics are rated from 1 to 99, with 1 being very poor and 99 being outstanding.
In order to properly assess a player's ability from his characteristics, it is important to understand how each characteristic reflects the player’s performance. As such, explanations of all the characteristics visible on the player's profile are provided below:


Power: How strongly your player hits the ball
Laser vision: Reflects your player's ability to estimate where the ball will bounce in his side of the court
Control: How accurately your player can reach a determined zone with the ball.
Agility: Reflects how well your player coordinates all of his moves


Balance: Your player's ability to suddenly change his direction in spite of the speed, or to hit the ball while in motion
Acceleration: Your player's max. speed, and how quickly he can reach it
Analysis: Your player's ability to anticipate his opponent's moves and shots
Reflexes: How fast your player executes his shots, once he is on the ball


Serve: Reflects your player's ability to serve strongly and precisely
Sidespin: Reflects your player's ability to slice his services
Volley: How often your player will make volleys and how effective they will be
Underspin: How well your player makes an underspin


Backhand: How good is your player's backhand
Forehand: How good is your player's forehand
Return: Reflects your player's ability to master his returns of serve
Topspin: How well your player makes a topspin


Stamina: Slows down the reduction in the physical shape bar
Vitality: Increases the max. points in the physical shape bar
Consistency : Determines your player’s capacity to hold an exchange
Listening: How well your player understands what you ask him, and how fast he does so


Confidence: Increases the max. points in the mental shape bar
Motivation: Increases the replenishment of the mental shape bar during a match
Self-control: Slows down the reduction in the mental shape bar
Turning points: Reduces pressure maluses during break, set or match points. It can even convert them into bonuses.